About FSA
Research We investigate and develop theories, techniques and tools for modelling and analysing the behaviours of (concurrent) systems. Research focusses on process algebra, semantics, model checking, logics and satisfiability solving. Application areas include protocols, hardware designs, industrial control systems. Tools developed by the group include mCRL2 and MaDL. Read More…
Education We offer courses in Logic, Formal Methods, Model Checking and Automated Reasoning. We are always looking for enthusiastic people who are interested in a research project or thesis in our Master programme. Read More…
Open PhD Positions
The formal system analysis group has several open PhD positions, targeting various topics that range from pure theory to applied formal methods. Please contact us, in case you consider to strive towards a PhD and …continue reading
Paper accepted for TCS
The following paper has been accepted for publication in Theoretical Computer Science: Robustness for biochemical networks: Step-by-step approach by Valentina Castiglioni, Ruggero Lanotte, Michele Loreti, Desiree Manicardi, and Simone Tini. The paper will be published …continue reading
RobTL: Robustness Temporal Logic for CPS @ CONCUR
The paper ‘RobTL: Robustness Temporal Logic for CPS’, by Valentina Castiglioni, Michele Loreti and Simone Tini , recently accepted for presentation at CONCUR (September 2024, Calgary, Canada) is now available, see LIPIcs, volume 311 [doi]
An Expressive Timed Modal Mu-Calculus for Timed Automata @ QEST+FORMATS
The paper An expressive Timed Modal Mu-Calculus for Timed Automata by Rance Cleaveland, Jeroen Keiren and Peter Fontana, accepted for publication at QEST+FORMATS (Calgary, September 2024) is now available in LNCS vol. 14996.
Progress, Justness and Fairness in the modal mu-calculus @ CONCUR
The paper ‘Progress, Justness and Fairness in modal mu-calculus formulae’, by Myrthe Spronck, Bas Luttik and Tim Willemse , recently accepted for presentation at CONCUR (September 2024, Calgary, Canada) is now available, see LIPIcs, volume 311.
Paper accepted for CASE 2024
The paper Validation of Supervisory Control Synthesis Tool CIF Using Model Checker mCRL2 by Michel Reniers and Jeroen Keiren has been accepted for IEEE CASE 2024. The paper describes how the mCRL2 model checker can …continue reading
More news…
- Colloquium 6 February 12.45 - 13.30, 2025, MF 6.132. Jan Friso Groote: Specifying the software control of the Prinses Marijke sluice complex.
- Colloquium 30 January 12.45 - 13.30, 2025, MF 6.132. Steffan Christ Sølvsten: Decision Diagrams in External Memory.
- Colloquium 23 January 12.45 - 13.30, 2025, MF 6.132. Erik de Vink: Minimization of polyhedral poset models with respect to simplicial bisimilarity.
- Colloquium 16 January 12.45 - 13.30, 2025, MF 6.132. Edward Liem: Optimizing Feature Causality and Blame.
- Colloquium 9 January 12.45 - 13.30, 2025, MF 6.132. Clemens Dubslaff: Advancements in BDD Knowledge Compilation.
- Colloquium 19 December 12.45 - 13.30, 2024, MF 6.132. Matthias Volk: Learning fault trees from data.
- Colloquium 12 December 12.45 - 13.30, 2024, MF 6.132. Anton Wijs: No Need to Be Stubborn: Partial-Order Reduction for GPU Model Checking Revisited.