Open PhD Positions

The formal system analysis group has several open PhD positions, targeting various topics that range from pure theory to applied formal methods. Please contact us, in case you consider to strive towards a PhD and have strong background in mathematics and computer science. PhD-TA on Probabilistic Model Checking for Safety-Critical Systems. We offer a 5-year …continue reading

VENI grant awarded

The VENI grant is part of the NWO Talent Programme and targets excellent researchers who have recently obtained their PhDs. Our group member Clemens Dubslaff has been awarded one of the grants for a project on symbolic verification and explainability. For more information, see the NWO VENI 2022 page and the official TU/e press release.

Two papers accepted at IJCAI 2023

We are happy to have two papers accepted at IJCAI 2023: “More for Less: Safe Policy Improvement With Stronger Performance Guarantees” together with TU Dresden and Radboud University Nijmegen and “A Unifying Formal Approach to Importance Values in Boolean Functions” with Paderborn University and TU Dresden. Congratulations especially for the PhD students Hans, Marnix, and …continue reading