The paper On the Axiomatisation of Branching Bisimulation Congruence over CCS by Luca Aceto, Valentina Castiglioni, Anna Ingólfsdóttir and Bas Luttik was presented at CONCUR 2022 on September 13, 2022. In the paper, which is available here, it is proved that CCS proper is not finitely based modulo rooted branching bisimilarity, but that a finite …continue reading
Author: Bas Luttik
Keynote presentation by Luca Aceto on the axiomatisation of parallel composition at LICS 2021
On Friday July 2, 2021, our colleague Luca Aceto from Reykjavik University delivered an invited talk at LICS 2021 entitled In search of lost time: Axiomatising parallel composition in process algebras. An article with the same title, authored by Luca Aceto, Elli Anastasiadi, Valentina Castiglioni, Anna Ingolfsdottir and Bas Luttik appeared in the proceeding. Luca’s …continue reading
Verifying liveness properties under justness assumptions in mCRL2
In 2020, the article Off-the-shelf Automated Analysis of Liveness Properties for Just Paths by Mark Bouwman, Bas Luttik and Tim Willemse published as Acta Informatica 57:551-590. The article was recently presented at FORTE 2021; you can still watch the presentation introducing the work.
Paper formalising the semantics of SysML state machines in mCRL2 presented at FORTE 2021
The paper A Formalisation of SysML State Machines in mCRL2 by Mark Bouwman, Bas Luttik and Djurre van der Wal was presented at FORTE 2021, a workshop co-located with DisCoTec 2021. Both the paper and Mark Bouman’s presentation are available online.
Paper on the axiomatisability of parallel composition accepted for presentation at CSL 2021
The paper Are Two Binary Operators Necessary to Finitely Axiomatise Parallel Composition? by Luca Aceto, Valentina Castiglioni, Wan Fokkink, Anna Ingolfsdottir and Bas Luttik has been accepted for presentation at CSL 2021, which will take place as a virtual conference in January 2021.
Paper on the axiomatisability of parallel composition accepted for presentation at CONCUR 2020
The paper On the Axiomatisability of Parallel Composition: A Journey in the Spectrum by Luca Aceto, Valentina Castiglioni, Anna Ingolfsdottir, Bas Luttik and Mathias Ruggaard Pedersen has been accepted for presentation at CONCUR 2020, which will take place as an online conference, organised from Vienna, Austria, in September 2020.
Paper on the formal analysis and test generation for the EULYNX Point interface accepted at ESREL 2020 PSAM 15
The paper What is the Point: Formal Analysis and Test Generation for a Railway Standard by Mark Bouwman, Djurre van der Wal, Bas Luttik, Mariëlle Stoelinga and Arend Rensink has been accepted for presentation at ESREL 2020 PSAM 15, which will take place in Venice, Italy in November 2020. The paper is written in the context …continue reading
Paper on up-to techniques for branching bisimilarity accepted at SOFSEM 2020
The paper “Up-to Techniques for Branching Bisimilarity” by Rick Erkens, Jurriaan Rot and Bas Luttik has been accepted for presentation at SOFSEM 2020 in Limassol, Cyprus.
Paper on the formal analysis with mCRL2 of a railway interlocking accepted at FMICS 2019
The paper “Formal Modelling and Verification of an Interlocking using mCRL2” by Mark Bouwman, Bob Janssen, and Bas Luttik has been accepted for presentation at FMICS 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Paper on sequencing accepted at CALCO 2019
The paper “Sequencing and Intermediate Acceptance: Axiomatisation and Decidability of Bisimilarity” by Astrid Belder, Bas Luttik and Jos Baeten has been accepted for presentation at CALCO 2019 in London, UK.