Event Category: MSc Defence

The formal analysis and verification of parallelized algorithms on list decision diagrams implemented in the Sylvan library are presented. The algorithms are parallelized by the Lace parallelization framework. Key components of Sylvan are modelled using mCRL2, a tool for analyzing concurrent systems, focusing on verifying the functional correctness of algorithms. The analysis begins with an …continue reading

Abstract: Low Code Development Platforms, such as the Cordis SUITE, facilitate formal verification in software development for industrial automation. An automated translation from Cordis models to mCRL2 enables the for- mal verification of real-world industry models. However, this approach is not without challenges. The monolithic nature of the translation can lead to state space explosions …continue reading

This thesis studies the ω-completeness of process theories for parallel processes without communication, extended with constants for successful and unsuccessful termination. We look into the ω-completeness of the theories BSP,  which is the theory BSP extended with operators for parallel  composition and left merge, as well as PA0, which is the theory PA extended with …continue reading

The process algebra TSP extends the process algebra BCCSP with sequential composition and successful termination. For BCCSP it is known, for all semantics in Van Glabbeek’s linear time-branching time spectrum of behavioural semantics, whether a finite basis exists. In this thesis, we study whether these semantics are finitely based over TSP. We discovered that none …continue reading

Model-Driven (Software) Engineering (MDSE) is gaining popularity in industry. More and more companies acknowledge the benefits of using MDSE to develop their software components. A company that exploits model-driven software engineering is Canon Production Printing (Venlo, The Netherlands). At Canon Production Printing, the State Machine Modelling Tool (SMMT) was developed to enable the modelling of …continue reading

Model-based testing is a compelling method for the integration testing of microservices. However, when testing with a large number of services, state space explosions are a common problem. It is especially a problem in model-based testing since the input-output conformance (ioco) relation is not compositional. We developed a novel and theoretically grounded testing method called …continue reading

This thesis presents the light signal case study as part of the FormaSig project, which aims to use formal methods to support the development of EULYNX – a European initiative to standardise interfaces of signalling systems. EULYNX specifies its interfaces using SysML, which is a semi-formal modelling language. Previous research has developed a formalisation for …continue reading

Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems (PBESs) are used to express and solve various model checking and equivalence checking problems. However, it may not always be efficient, or even possible, to find a solution to PBESs since they may encode undecidable problems. One particular technique towards finding a solution to a PBES is the concept of exploiting …continue reading

The modal μ-calculus is a highly expressive logic, but its formulae are often hard to understand. We have tools for testing if a model satisfies a model μ-calculus formula, but if we are unsure of what the formula expresses we cannot draw definite conclusions from the results. To mitigate the difficulties in designing μ-calculus formulae, …continue reading

On 28 August at 10:00 in MF14, Gijs Leemrijse will defend his MSc thesis titled “Towards relaxed memory semantics for the Autonomous Data Language”. This work presents an alternative operational semantics for the Autonomous Data Language (AuDaLa) with relaxed memory consistency and incoherent memory. We show how the memory operations of our semantics can be …continue reading