Mark Bouwman: Supporting Railway Standardisation with Formal Verification
On October 23, 2023, Mark Bouwman will defend his thesis titled ‘Supporting Railway Standardisation with Formal Verification’, which is available via The defence marks a milestone in the FormaSig project, a collaboration between TU/e, UT, ProRail and Deutsche Bahn.
Maurice Laveaux: Accelerated Verification of Concurrent Systems
On November 22, 2022, Maurice Laveaux will defend his thesis titled ‘Accelerated Verification of Concurrent Systems’, which is available via The defence will also be streamed online via MS Teams. The link to the stream is available on request from
Alexander Fedotov: Verification Techniques for xMAS
On January 11, 2022, Alexander Fedotov will defend his thesis titled ‘Verification techniques for xMAS’, which is available here. The defence will be streamed online via MS Teams. The link to the stream is available on request from
Thomas Neele: Reductions for Parity Games and Model Checking
On September 16th 2020, Thomas Neele will defend his thesis title ‘Reductions for Parity Games and Model Checking’, which is available here. The defence will be streamed online via MS Teams. The link to the stream is available on request from