Below we show examples of topics for master and bachelor (research) projects; click on the title to see a more detailed description. Even when you don’t find what you want you can contact one of our staff members. Typically they have additional interesting projects not explicitly listed.
Master’s projects
- Paradigm protocol verification (supervisor: De Vink)
- Probabilistic bisimulation (supervisor: De Vink)
- Extracting and exploiting invariants for solving PBESs (supervisor: Willemse)
- Formally Verified Algorithms for Computing with LDDs (supervisor: Willemse)
- Extensions of the modal mu-calculus (supervisor: Willemse)
- Improving interopability of mCRL2 (supervisor: Neele)
- Various industrial and/or theoretical explorations (supervisor: Groote)
- Process algebra with signals (supervisor: Luttik)
Refining our confidence in refinable partition data structures (supervisor: Keiren)
- Easy property specification for Cordis models (supervisor: Keiren)
- Specifying verifiable low code models (supervisor: Keiren)
- An omega-complete axiomatisation of interleaving and successful termination (supervisor: Luttik)
- Term pattern matching algorithms: several topics related to set automata (supervisor: Luttik; tutor: Erkens)
- Axiomatisability of CSP parallel composition (supervisor: Castiglioni)
- Collective Adaptive Systems (supervisor: Castiglioni)
Bachelor’s projects
- Implementing a fast graph positioning algorithm (supervisor: Groote)
- Design and possibly implement a fast parallel aterm library (supervisor: Groote)
- Translate CIF to mCRL2 (supervisor: Groote)
Recently finished projects
Examples of all projects since 2017 can be found here.