In [1], Rob van Glabbeek proved that there does not exist a compositional translation of pi-calculus into CCS that is valid up to strong barbed bisimilarity, but that there does exist a similarly valid compositional transition if the communication facility is of CCS is upgraded to ACP-style communication. In my talk, I will explore whether van Glabbeek’s translation can be modified to obtain a compositional translation into mCRL2 that is valid up to strong barbed bisimilarity.
I should warn the audience in advance that this is very much work in progress and that I will not present any results of my own that have been established beyond reasonable doubt.
[1] Rob van Glabbeek. Comparing the Expressiveness of the pi-calculus and CCS. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. 25, No. 1, Article 1, 2023.