The paper ‘Progress, Justness and Fairness in modal mu-calculus formulae’, by Myrthe Spronck, Bas Luttik and Tim Willemse , recently accepted for presentation at CONCUR (September 2024, Calgary, Canada) is now available, see LIPIcs, volume 311.
Author: Tim Willemse
FSA goes to MARS
Three papers, submitted to the MARS workshop, a workshop on modelling real systems, were accepted for publication: a paper on the IEEE 1394 Link Layer by Hubert Garavel and Bas Luttik, a paper on Tunnel Control Systems by Kevin Jilissen, Peter Dieleman and Jan Friso Groote, and a paper on the RAFT consensus protocol, by …continue reading
Edward Liem joins FSA
Edward Liem, who recently graduated with FSA, will continue as a PhD student in FSA, working under the supervision of Clemens Dubslaff. A warm welcome to Edward!
Conference Proceedings SEFM online
The proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2023), held in Eindhoven on 6-10 November, is now available online. The conference, organised by Carla Ferreira, Jeroen Keiren, Thomas Neele and Tim Willemse was well-visited. The atmosphere was pleasant and there were many fruitful discussions among the participants.
Valentina Castiglioni, Myrthe Spronck and Matthias Volk join FSA
We’re very pleased to welcome Valentina, Myrthe and Matthias in FSA. Valentina and Matthias both started as assistant professor in FSA on 1 October, 2023. At the same time, Myrthe Spronck started as PhD candidate in FSA, also on 1 October.
Four papers accepted at CONCUR
A whopping four papers, submitted by members of the FSA group, have been accepted for publication in this year’s CONCUR edition in Antwerp. Bas Luttik and Myrthe Spronck have a paper on multi-writer, multi-reader non-atomic registers; Jan Friso Groote and Jan Martens have a paper on the complexity of computing minimal distinguishing HML formulae; Flip …continue reading
New book: ‘Spelen met oneindigheid’
Hans Zantema has published a book (‘Spelen met oneindigheid, verrassende figuren en patronen’, in Dutch—English translation is work in progress) about infinite sequences and their visualisations, see this link. An interview with Hans can be found here. The interview also contains a puzzle; by submitting your answer to this puzzle, you have a chance to …continue reading
Visitor: Maurice ter Beek
Maurice ter Beek (ISTI, CNR, Pisa) will be visiting us from 1-6 March. He’ll be working on variability parity games, together with Erik de Vink and Tim Willemse.
FSA Vacancies
Our department has 25 (assistant) professor vacancies; some such positions may end up in our group. We encourage those with a Formal Methods background (broadly construed) to apply for a position (ASAP). For details, see this page. For more information, send an email to the chair of FSA (Dr. Willemse).
Visitor: Rance Cleaveland
Rance Cleaveland (Maryland University) is our guest from 16-20 January.