Our group members Thomas Neele and Matthias Volk have both been awarded VENI grants. The VENI is a personal scientific grant as part of the NWO Talent Programme and is aimed at excellent researchers at …continue reading
Category: People
News about people working in our group
Open PhD Positions
The formal system analysis group has several open PhD positions, targeting various topics that range from pure theory to applied formal methods. Please contact us, in case you consider to strive towards a PhD and …continue reading
Simone Tini visits FSA
Simone Tini (University of Insubria) will visit our group from February 26th to March 1st. He will deliver a guest talk at the FSA colloquium on February 29th, entitled “Measuring Robustness in Cyber-Physical Systems under …continue reading
PhD-TA position available
We offer a 5 years long PhD-TA (PhD-Teaching Assistant) position to work the application of formal methods to the analysis and verification of Cyber-Physical Systems operating under uncertainties. For more information, please refer to the …continue reading
Edward Liem joins FSA
Edward Liem, who recently graduated with FSA, will continue as a PhD student in FSA, working under the supervision of Clemens Dubslaff. A warm welcome to Edward!
Conference Proceedings SEFM online
The proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2023), held in Eindhoven on 6-10 November, is now available online. The conference, organised by Carla Ferreira, Jeroen Keiren, Thomas Neele …continue reading
NGF Project 6G Future Network Services Awarded
The multi-year public-private Future Network Services (FNS) programme focusses on creating a leading international position for the Netherlands in 6G. The focus is on specific and connected topics in 6G: intelligent radio components and antennas, …continue reading
Valentina Castiglioni, Myrthe Spronck and Matthias Volk join FSA
We’re very pleased to welcome Valentina, Myrthe and Matthias in FSA. Valentina and Matthias both started as assistant professor in FSA on 1 October, 2023. At the same time, Myrthe Spronck started as PhD candidate …continue reading
VENI grant awarded
The VENI grant is part of the NWO Talent Programme and targets excellent researchers who have recently obtained their PhDs. Our group member Clemens Dubslaff has been awarded one of the grants for a project …continue reading
Master thesis award
The VERSEN master thesis award was granted to Kevin Jilissen for his master thesis showing that tunnel software can formally be verified, exposing some design errors.